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Body taping exclusively at assai

Body taping exclusively at assai

Women abroad swear by it... But what makes this method so special and effective?
Taping is a therapeutic method developed in the 80's by a Japanese chiropractor and acupuncturist.
The technique has three important actions

Against cellulite

The method is based on welding, on selected points of the body's surface, with special strips, waterproof, whose structure allows the skin to breathe. With proper taping, the tissue is lifted, helping to eliminate lymphedema, improving blood circulation and lymph nodes, resulting in a dramatic improvement in the orange peel appearance.

As a supplemental muscle for recovery

The elasticity of a tape is replicable of a human muscle. By placing the tape at the point of pain, it is essentially like adding human muscle, helping the body at that point to recover. This function is realized in most cases through a light massage.

Strengthening the action of creams

Finally, because it stimulates skin receptors, it accelerates the action of a specialized anti-cellulite cream.
A test will convince you so we are waiting for you for a test... Body Taping only in assai

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