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Why doesn't the manicure stick to your nails?

Why doesn't the manicure last?

Why doesn't the manicure stick to your nails?

You are struggling to keep it freshly painted your manicure intact? Why doesn't the manicure last?
Mano, your diet or your daily skin care may be some of the factors responsible for this.

Our hands and nails reveal a lot about our health. Like our skin, our nails can start to become dehydrated and brittle, leaving them looking weak and damaged.

What you see on the surface of the nail arises from its root inside your fingers which nourishes it.

So, in case you are frustrated with your brittle nails that constantly break and are scarred, consider whether you are generally ignoring your health to some extent. There are many reasons that can be responsible for damaged nails.

Check out 7 of them:

You are not getting enough iron
Low iron levels and anemia can cause nail damage. Iron helps make hemoglobin, which carries red blood cells charged with fresh oxygen to the nail matrix, explains Ella Toombs, a board-certified dermatologist in Washington, DC. Without this substance the nails will be irregular. Eating foods like beans, spinach, oysters and dark chocolate will help your nails grow and shape properly.

Why doesn't the manicure last?

The long fingering
The too frequent contact of your nails with the keyboard or touch screens, no matter how painless you think it is, wears down your nails, making it easier for them to break and grow irregularly.

Apply hand lotion only in the morning
Δεν έχει νόημα να εφαρμόζετε moisturizing στα χέρια σας μόνο το πρωί. Καλό είναι να έχετε μία πάντοτε μαζί σας, καθώς κάθε φορά που πλένετε τα χέρια σας με σαπούνι, το δέρμα σας αφυδατώνεται, το ίδιο και η ρίζα του νυχιού που ετοιμάζεται να βγει. Αποτέλεσμα; Το νέο νύχι θα είναι αφυδατωμένο, λεπτό και θα σπάει εύκολα.

Leave the mano on your nails for several days
All manos contain drying ingredients that remove moisture from the nail plate and when we leave them for many days the result is that our nails become weak.

DrToombs ideally recommends removing the mano after five days of application and letting our nails rest for two days before applying the next mano.

Apply foundation before colored mano
Up until now you were under the impression that the most correct thing is to always apply a base before putting mano on your nails. But the truth is that even the base contains many chemicals that weaken the bare nail such as solvents, ethyl acetate or butyl acetate. Make sure you apply a small amount of moisturizer before you start applying your foundation.

You are teasing your cuticles
The cuticles around the base of your nail play a very important role in nail growth as they protect it from bacteria. Removing them is like removing your nails' natural defense against infection.

If they bother you, instead of cutting them, moisturize them by applying a little oil or moisturizing lotion.

You are deficient in B vitamins
The vitamins του συμπλέγματος Β είναι οι πιο σημαντικές για την υγεία των νυχιών αλλά και των μαλλιών σας. Σύμφωνα με μια μελέτη, 2,5 mg βιταμινών Β την ημέρα για διάστημα μερικών μηνών βελτιώνει την υγεία των νυχιών και τη δομή τους.

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