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What is Krav Maga?

What is Krav Maga?

Krav Maga is a self-defense system that teaches how to avoid, deal with, and overcome all kinds of attacks and violence. It prepares the trainees in the subjects of self-defense, self-protection, the skills of fighting and confrontation, as well as the ability to defend others, in a unique and understandable way of teachings.

The techniques of Krav Maga differ from those of other martial arts because first and foremost they are far more practical and applicable to real life situations. In Krav Maga training is structured around real attack scenarios under any conditions (on the street, at home, in the car, at the workplace, etc.) This logic and the general approach of Krav Maga stem from the unique teaching its methodology and training system, which allow the practitioner to use their natural instincts in self-defense.

Principles of Krav Maga

All Krav Maga techniques are performed according to its basic principles:
Avoid, avoid, escape and evade.
Throws and flips in all directions and angles.
Attacks and counterattacks executed from all positions and stances, at all rates and to all targets, distances, lengths, heights, angles and directions.
Use all common items for defense purposes.

Defense against all unarmed attacks: punches, kicks and all kinds of blows. Escapes from all kinds of handles and locks.
Defense against all armed attacks and threats from knives and sharp objects, sticks and other sharp objects, and all firearms.
Handling and countering the above attacks, when they come from all possible directions and places. When executed by one or multiple attackers. When they happen in all possible places, positions and attitudes. Including confined or open spaces, an alley, a staircase or a car. On all types of terrain, in water, when there is freedom or limited space of movement. While defenders are stationary or moving, sitting or standing they are lying on their back, side or face.
Physical and mental control and disarmament.
Preparing trainees to operate in all circumstances and scenarios, in all types of combat and engagement environments, according to their needs, the risks they face and the specifications of their job. Krav Maga offers skill and brings technical, tactical, physical and mental development, as well as the ability to adapt to any situation.

Fields of Krav Maga training

Krav Maga is divided into five main and fully defined categories:
Citizens (Includes the education of women and children from 5 years and above)
Protection of Important Persons
Custom Krav Maga

Krav Maga level system

The levels of Krav Maga are divided into 4 categories:
Practitioner levels (P1-P5).
Graduate levels (G1-G5).
The Expert levels (E1-E5).
The Master levels (M1-M3).

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