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The contribution of breakfast to weight loss is a "myth".

weight loss

The contribution of breakfast to weight loss is a "myth".

Forget what you knew about the importance of breakfast! weight loss. At least as far as in its association with metabolism and the slimming. New scientific research from Australia comes to demolish the hitherto fixed belief that eating breakfast helps to lose weight and reduce body weight. 

In particular, this was the conclusion reached by researchers at Monas University in Melbourne, led by Flavia Cicutini of the Department of Epidemiology of the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, who evaluated 13 randomized and controlled clinical trials, mainly from the USA and Britain, over a period of time three decades.

weight loss

According to the meta-analysis published in the British medical journal British Medical Journal (BMJ), the total consumption of calories per day is greater in those who eat breakfast (an average of 260 calories) compared to those who skip breakfast.

Also, those who don't eat breakfast are on average half a kilo lighter than those who eat it every day. The same research concludes that eating breakfast does not affect the rate of metabolism or appetite, since those who skip breakfast do not feel more... hungry at noon.

Of course, the research does not affect the nutritional value of breakfast, but is limited exclusively to its relationship with weight loss.

"The evidence available to date does not support modifying the diet of adults to include eating breakfast as a good strategy for weight loss. "Although eating breakfast can often have other important effects, one should be cautious in advising breakfast as a method of weight loss for adults, as it may be counterproductive," the researchers argue.

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