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Diet for treating acne

Diet for treating acne

Acne is a dermatological disease, which concerns not only teenagers, but also a large percentage of adults, especially women. The causes of acne are hereditary predisposition, hormonal factors and lifestyle. Lifestyle factors that affect acne include quality of diet, stress, and poor skin care. What does the data show about the relationship between diet and acne?
In the last five years, evidence from many studies documenting the relationship between acne and diet has begun to accumulate. Nutrition affects basic mechanisms of acne, with the main ones being the secretion of insulin, androgens and other growth factors.
What foods should be avoided:

All dairy products

Milk, cheese, butter, sweets, milk chocolate and all products containing whey proteins. Because the category contains very nutritious foods and should not be completely excluded but only in periods of flare-ups.
Foods with a high glycemic load, i.e. all processed flours and their products (white bread, pasta and pies, white sugar, sweets with flour and sugar (e.g. cakes, pastes, syrups), white rice, potatoes as well as ready-made juices or drinks with added sugar.
Foods associated with inflammation, such as junk food cooked with low-quality oil and rich in trans fats, such as French fries, meats rich in fat, such as gyros, ribs, schnitzel, dishes with milk creams, etc.
Foods to be consumed in the treatment of acne
Milks from plant sources (rice milk, almond milk, etc.).
Foods with a low glycemic load (legumes, oils, nuts, vegetables, lean meats, fish, chicken and whole grains.

Foods that contain ingredients that help treat acne:

  • Beetroot: It is rich in vitamins A and E. It cleanses the body of toxins and therefore the skin of acne.
  • Citrus fruits: Rich sources of vitamin C, has a strong antioxidant effect and cleanses the body and skin of toxins.
  • Red grape: High content of antioxidants, which act against skin infections.
  • Avocado: A powerful anti-acne remedy straight from nature. The synergy of vitamin E with vitamin C protects the skin.
  • Garlic: Antiparasitic and necessary for a healthy skin.
  • Almonds: It is rich in zinc, magnesium, selenium, fiber, vitamin E, B. All these ingredients work together to reduce acne.
  • Salmon/ Tuna/ Sardines: It is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin B, E, A.
  • Green leafy vegetables: Rich in vitamins A and C, they strengthen the immune system and keep the skin young.

Carrots: It is a very rich source of beta-carotene, which is the eternal enemy of acne.
Written by Nikos Cafetzopoulos, clinical dietitian - nutritionist Nutribase

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