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4 Vitamins You Need After 40

4 Vitamins You Need After 40

These are the 4 Vitamins that a body definitely needs at the age of 40.
Think of vitamins as an army to fight age-related diseases. The best way to strengthen the army is to eat healthy. Although it is always important to maintain a healthy diet, the need becomes imperative from 40 onwards as everything in the body changes.
"The body at 40 doesn't function the same as it did at 20," says Christine Kirkpatrick, director of nutrition and wellness programs at the Cleveland Clinic. Muscle mass declines, pounds are easily added, menopause looms, and the risk increases for diseases such as cancer and diabetes. So help your body with the 4 Vitamins that will stimulate the body.

1. Vitamin B12

After the age of 40 and as you approach 50, start looking for Vitamin B12 as it is helpful for normal brain function. Children and teenagers can get the amount of Vitamin B12 they need from foods such as meat, fish, eggs and chicken. After 40, however, the body absorbs Vitamin B12 more difficult. So it is good to aim for nutritional supplements.

2. Vitamin D

THE Vitamin D it is definitely one of those that you need after 40 since it can fight all the changes that age brings to the body. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with diabetes, cardiovascular disease and various types of cancer. In addition, this particular Vitamin helps in the absorption of calcium. The best source of Vitamin D is careful exposure to the sun.

3. Omega 3

Even if it is not a vitamin, Omega 3 fatty acids have a leading role among the Vitamins you need after 40. Research has shown that Omega 3 helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol while reducing the risk of cardiovascular events. Also, recent research has shown that people with high levels of Ω3 fatty acids had larger brains and completed tasks related to memory and organization more easily. If you don't want to take supplements, omega-3 can be found in foods such as green vegetables, fish and nuts.

4. Probiotics

Yes, probiotics are not Vitamins either, but they are extremely useful for the body since they keep you fit and prevent diseases like diabetes and stroke. Probiotics are contained in soy foods but it is preferable to take them in the form of a supplement since this way your body will receive the required amount. Furthermore, probiotics are active and living organisms so you cannot find them in cooked food.
Article from http://www.healthweb.gr

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