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Spiti Yoga


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    Spiti Yoga Book online

      Spiti Yoga

      House: a building used to house people. It usually has walls and a roof to protect its interior from rain, wind, heat and cold. Also, that space that makes everyone feel calm and warm, to feel welcome and loved.
      Spiti: a space for physical exercise and expression that will host Yoga, Thai chi and Dance classes. My wish is that it becomes a meeting place and an occasion to get to know each other, to exercise and of course to have fun together.
      Every person, regardless of their age, their physical capabilities and their socio-cultural background, can if they want to continuously improve what they are and have, after first of course accepting it. Spiti hopes to house such journeys. Journeys of acceptance and improvement. My own desire, to be present on this journey, to share the way, to teach and be taught – to improve my already adorable, admittedly, existence. It's not just the way, after all, that matters. It doesn't matter if it's Yoga, Zumba or tomato growing, as long as the goal is to observe, understand and accept what each of us was gifted with. The most important thing, I think, is that we will do it together. That's my dream to begin with, that's why I named it Spiti. I want anyone entering here to feel like entering a friend's home.
      I remember a few years ago, when I was first teaching, a student asking "Where is Anna?" and a voice from the back of the room answered him "He's working late and won't be able to come." I realized at that moment that these people a few weeks before had been unaware of each other's existence and now they not only knew each other, but also knew their agendas. This was something I hadn't come across often in the courses I attended and I felt blessed to lead such a group. I thought these people were very lucky to care for each other. They would certainly feel less alone. Somewhere there, my need to coordinate and organize such a space was born. If I am a good dancer-teacher-healer-person, you will judge that. But I feel that one of the gifts I was given is to gather people around the fire. I receive it constantly from friends and students and I really want Spiti to be a place where everyone will feel that what they are is enough and unique and beautiful.


      Tai Chi Quan