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Skinn Dimitri James


Skinn Dimitri James Book online

    Skinn Dimitri James Book online

      Skinn Dimitri James

      SKINN's global profile is based on the philosophy that the most important element of a cosmetic is its ingredients and how they affect the look and feel of the wearer.
      Dimitri James and his team have built a company that uncompromisingly enhances active ingredients and reduces advertising costs, thus creating a very good value for money relationship for consumers.
      Consistent with this philosophy of SKINN, Dimitri James insisted on creating a company where the core will be professional make-up artists and beauticians. It is these people who will have the final say in matters concerning the cosmetic product and not the advertisers in the promotion departments who are primarily interested in creating communicative images rather than the actual value of the product. That's why we work with professional make-up artists and beauticians worldwide and promote our cosmetics only in selected retail outlets. These professionals listen and understand people's real needs and guarantee a direct connection between consumers and our laboratories in California, USA.
      California is one of the most famous and desirable places in the world. The main aspects of it that the world knows are the film industry of Los Angeles (Hollywood), endless beaches, water sports in the Pacific ocean and constant sunshine throughout the year. People see the residents of this area as healthy, athletic, nature lovers and stress-free. We affirm this reality and position ourselves as
      - aids in a relaxed lifestyle
      -experts in herbal ingredients
      – talented entertainers
      -specialists in the beneficial plants, herbs and fruits of California and the Pacific Ocean
      Our Californian heritage gives us a great way to differentiate ourselves from our competitors.
      And as the effectiveness of our products remains SKINN's only concern, their Californian image unleashes an emotional quality essential to building long-lasting relationships with consumers. By using our products consumers can freely and easily stay close to this highly inspirational image.


      Skin Care

      Treatments and Hydration
      Cleansing and Hydration
