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Renaissance Book online

    Renaissance Book online


      The Renaissance beauty center was inaugurated in March 1999, which means it has been successfully present for 16 years in the city of Megara. The center is in charge of beautician Sofia Georgaki & co-responsible is beautician Magda Georgaki.
      Our excellent scientific training and the use of state-of-the-art machines ensure the best treatment of any aesthetic problem on your face and body. The therapeutic methods we apply are considered innovative while they go beyond the limits of "beautification" and are invasive enough to have a therapeutic effect.
      We apply: Electromagnetic fields for fibroblast stimulation & collagen production on the face and body.
      Cryolipolysis Lipofreeze for a permanent reduction in the number of fat cells and real liposculpture.
      Radio frequencies RF (Radio Frequency) for strong tightening of the face and body (in loose adductors, abdomen, arms, etc.) as well as impressive lipolysis and treatment of cellulite.
      Cavitation to eliminate local fat (innovative method of bloodless liposuction)
      Heterologous and autologous mesotherapy (RRP) with the simultaneous possibility of preparing your own personalized serum and the growth factors of the body (in collaboration with the microbiologist Efstathios Syrkos)
      Fractional techniques with specialized mesotherapeutic cocktails
      Ultrasound technology, which spectacularly improves the deep cleansing of the face.
      LHE pulsed light technology. (Light Heat Energy).
      Cold laser technology for filling wrinkles with hyaluronic acid.
      Non-injectable mesotherapy technology.
      We frame our treatments with the application of professional cosmetics, where this is necessary, while we advise every woman on face or body care, even if there is no need for treatment.