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Live love pilates and yoga studio


Live love pilates and yoga studio Book online

    Live love pilates and yoga studio Book online

      Live love pilates and yoga studio

      Live love pilates and yoga studio consists of certified teachers and was created to introduce us to Yoga, Pilates and a more holistic approach through gymnastics and self-healing techniques. Our purpose is to be able to harmonize ourselves with our nature and to rid it of the negative energy and toxins caused by everyday life.
      Joseph Pilates said that "in 10 lessons you will feel the difference, in 20 lessons you will be able to see it and in 30 lessons you will have a new body". Pilates equipment completely transforms the body, offering firming, muscle strengthening alignment and helping the body to align properly.
      Some of the major health benefits of pilates are: 1. Stress relief, toning and shaping the body 2. Visible improvement in posture, injury prevention 3. Strong core, flexibility and ligament strength, overall well-being and wellness.


      Aerial Yoga
