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Nanotechnology at the service of aesthetic dermatology

aesthetic dermatology

Nanotechnology at the service of aesthetic dermatology

With a big one We present you with excitement latest generation medical peelings, now performed on all skin types, painless and easy at all stages and with excellent security and efficiency. aesthetic dermatology. It is a technological achievement of a leading company in the field, with worldwide recognition and long-term clinical studies.

How can nanotechnology be applied in the field of cosmetic dermatology peelings?

With nanotechnology, it is possible to create microscopic particles (liposomes), which at the molecular level can incorporate (nanocapsules) the active substances we are interested in and act as a vehicle for them, i.e. transport them to the target cells of the skin.

Due to their tiny size, the nanocapsules can easily penetrate the layers of the skin and act at a great depth, a fact unthinkable in older generation peelings. With the older chemical agents to act deeper and have the desired effect, our patient unfortunately "paid" the price of prolonged and painful recovery.

In contrast to now sophisticated medical peelings, the application is painless and the recovery very fast, discreet, without any limitation from daily activities.

How do advanced chemical medical peelings work and how do they improve the skin?

Οι θεραπείες με ιατρικά peelings συνίστανται στην εφαρμογή ενός ή περισσοτέρων χημικών ουσιών στο δέρμα, προάγοντας την κυτταρική ανανέωση.Το άμεσο αποτελέσμα τους είναι η διακριτικά ορατή, λευκωπή, κατά μικρά τρίμματα peeling του δέρματος (ανάλογα με το σκεύασμα που θα χρησιμοποιηθεί και τις ανάγκες είναι περισσότερο ή λιγότερο έντονη).

Their indirect result, however, is the regeneration of the epidermis and the upper dermis. These actions are valuable and in practice significantly improve spots, freckles, freckles, wrinkles and fine lines, acne scars, stretch marks and in general the texture, color and tone of the skin.
Special personalized protocols are applied according to needs, e.g. antioxidants, whitening, anti-aging, anti-acne, etc.


Advantages of applying advanced medical peelings based on nanotechnology:

-They can be safely done on all skin types and on different parts of the body.
-Certain substances can be safely applied even at all times of the year.

-The procedure is fast (lasts about 30 min), easy and painless, without burning sensation.
-Η λευκωπή, κατά μικρά τρίμματα απολέπιση παρουσιάζεται σε 2-3 ημέρες και γίνεται ελάχιστα αντιληπτή όταν εφαρμόζεται moisturizing κρέμα.

-The recovery is extremely tolerable and short, without needing any interruption of the patient's daily activities.
-These peelings offer an immediate and impressive result: a smoother, brighter and younger skin.

So it seems that the period when anyone who "dared" to do a chemical peel was forced to take time off from work, shut up and suffer at home has passed forever.
The time has come to welcome nanotechnology based dermatological treatment protocols to our country.

CG Derma