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The ENDERMOLIFT method, a 100% natural technique antiaging, which rebuilds the skin and eliminates the signs of age.
LPG, worldwide pioneer in cellular stimulation with CELLU M6 systems, presents you the ENDERMOLIFT method, a 100% natural anti-aging technique, which reconstructs the skin and eliminates the signs of age.
The ENDERMOLIFT method offers immediate results and a healthy and completely natural glow to your face.
Your skin becomes smooth and exudes renewal as if you had a lifting. Session by session the results add up to a total of filling wrinkles, redefining the contours of the face and general renewal of the skin.
For men and women:
Interested in a 100% non-invasive antiaging solution?
Do you want to permanently smooth your wrinkles and fine lines?
Are you dull looking?
Have you tried everything for bags and dark circles under the eyes?
Has the contour of your face relaxed?
You want to get rid of it double chin;
* Renew the skin

Is your skin tired and dull?
In just 15 minutes, the ENDERMOLIFT method renews your skin and restores its healthy glow.
Stress, infection and smoking are all factors that affect blood and lymphatic microcirculation. Toxins accumulate, the skin loses its elasticity and tone decreases.
The action of LPG: The mechanical stimulation caused by the LPG Lift head improves blood circulation and removes toxins to renew the skin.
Results: After one session, the microcirculation in your face improves, the tissues are oxygenated and your skin regains its freshness and radiance. It's the perfect treat before your night out!
* Smoothes wrinkles

Want to smooth out wrinkles, but not your expression?
The patented, non-invasive ENDERMOLIFT technique naturally fills every wrinkle from the inside, regardless of whether it is a superficial or deep wrinkle!
Over time, the cells responsible for the skin's youthful appearance (fibroblasts), begin to slow down the production of collagen and elastin. Gradually the skin thins, loses its density and the first wrinkles they appear.
The action of LPG: The mechanical stimulation caused by the LPG LIFT head activates cellular metabolism. As a result, the fibroblasts begin to re-secrete collagen and elastin, two substances responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. By reorganizing the collagen fibers, the architecture of the skin tissue appears better structured and more uniform.
Results: Wrinkles are "filled" from the inside, fine lines are smoothed, while at the same time facial expressions are preserved. Thus, the renewal is visible and lasting, while remaining, however, completely natural.
Nasobuccal fold: -43%*
* Tightens the contour

Has the outline of your face become loose and has no clear boundaries?
The sagging of the skin is explained by the less and less production of collagen and elastin fibers by the fibroblasts. The skin loses its structure and then the first signs of aging appear. The effect of LPG: The stimulation caused by the LPG LIFT head naturally activates the production of collagen and elastin resulting in the reconstruction of the skin's supporting structures.
Results: Deeply renewed, your skin looks more firm and elastic! Your cheeks are lifted, the contour is redefined with clear boundaries and your cheekbones are strengthened.

Article Dr. Tzermias Christoforos, Dermatologist-Aphrodisiac