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Elements Day Spa


Elements Day Spa Book online

    Elements Day Spa Book online

      Elements Day Spa

      The Elements Day Spa was created with the aim of being a place of relaxation in the center of Athens. In an era dominated by the intense rhythms of life and the ever-increasing rhythms of everyday life, our guests can ensure moments of absolute tranquility and well-being in our specially designed spaces.

      In the Elements Day Spa, the prevailing philosophy is perfectly attuned to the natural balance of the four elements of nature. The four elements of nature: the firethe earth, the air and the water according to the ancient Greek philosophers, they form the basis for our visible world. As fire is hot, earth is dry, air is cold and water is wet, absolute physical balance is ensured.

      It is mainly based on the harmony between body and mind. This is achieved in a high standard day spa, the Elements Day Spa , which combines simplicity with affordable luxury, where one can meet their personal needs for beauty and relaxation.

      Its scientific and highly trained staff Elements Day Spa, recognizing and meeting special needs through personalized programs, makes each of your visits a journey of absolute renewal and rejuvenation.

      Facial Treatments
      Body Treatments
      Hair removal