Did you overdo it with the sun and your skin is pulling and peeling? Find out what you need to do to freshen it up and to maintain your wonderful golden tan
What happens to your skin when exposed to the sun
"During exposure to the sun, ultraviolet rays attack the skin with ferocity" points out dermatologist Howard Murad, and at the end of the day its defenses are completely weakened: the protective hydrolipidic film thins, the skin becomes more permeable to ultraviolet rays with consequence of the proliferation of free radicals. At the same time, due to visible dehydration, the skin acquires a dull appearance, losing every trace of elasticity and softness."
Why use after sun products?
In order not to let your skin become dehydrated - with subsequent unsightly peeling - but also to prolong your tan, your best ally is after-sun products.
Πέρα από την ωραία αίσθηση, τη μυρωδάτη υφή και τη μαλακή όψη που θα δώσουν στην επιδερμίδα σου τα after sun αποτελούν και ένα άριστο εναλλακτικό μέσο για ολοκληρωμένη φροντίδα, αφού οι πρωτοποριακές συνθέσεις τους είναι υψηλής περιεκτικότητας σε συστατικά που βοηθούν τη φυσική αποκατάσταση της επιδερμίδας, ενώ τα βασικά συστατικά τους (vitamins C και Ε, ευεργετικά φυτικά εκχυλίσματα, βούτυρο karate, βανίλια και aloe vera) προλαμβάνουν τις φθορές διατηρώντας το δέρμα σου συνεχώς δροσερό και αναζωογονημένο.
Most women mistakenly believe that after sun products are only useful for those who have been burned.
I recommend that you use them on a daily basis throughout the summer, even when you are in the city.
Use it properly
Just before using an after sun product, take a warm shower with a cool bubble bath to soothe your "flaming" skin.
Do not use harsh soaps and sponges that can cause irritation and stinging.
After gently drying with a soft towel, apply enough of the product to soothe the unpleasant sensation of sunburn, making sure to reapply after an hour.
Optionally, store the after sun in the refrigerator for an even greater cooling sensation and effectiveness.
For a tanned look that will last, avoid using exfoliating products and creams with AHAs, because they remove the color along with the skin's surface cells.
For deep hydration and to accentuate your tan before your night out, apply Johnson's Baby Oil all over your body. The shine it gives will impress you.
Sofia Margari writes at http://www.shape.gr
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