What is melasma?
Melasma is a common skin problem characterized by hyperpigmentation or discolouration in various parts of the skin, mainly on the cheeks, forehead, chin, hands and neck. It is the result of the overproduction of a pigment, melanin, that is naturally present in the skin. It occurs more often in women – than in men and is especially noticeable in dark skin.
What causes it?
The exact cause is not known, but some factors, such as pregnancy, hormonal drugs and excessive exposure to the sun and some cosmetics, can act aggravatingly.
Can it be cured?
Rarely, melasma can go away on its own, which is why close collaboration with a dermatologist is recommended. The treatments that are recommended and have excellent results are:
- Chemical peelings with fruit acids or stronger peelings with salicylic acid, which exfoliate and discolor the skin.
- THE mesotherapy με αντιοξειδωτικά και αποχρωματικά υλικά και
- The dioxide laser, which is considered the most effective method for treating hyperpigmentation.
All the above treatments can be done either alone or in combination, and are always accompanied by home treatment with creams and lotions.
Can I do anything to protect myself?
The most basic advice to follow is Sun protection, χρησιμοποιώντας αντιηλιακό κάθε μέρα το οποία θα αναπληρώνεται κάθε 2 ώρες. Οι δερματολόγοι συνιστούν επίσης να φοράτε μεγάλο καπέλο που θα καλύπτει το μεγαλύτερο μέρος του προσώπου, καθώς και γυαλιά ηλίου όταν είστε έξω. Επίσης, επιλέγετε απαλά προϊόντα φροντίδας του δέρματος που δεν ερεθίζουν την επιδερμίδα. Τέλος, καλό είναι να αποφεύγετε την waxing και κρέμες, καθώς μπορεί να προκαλέσει φλεγμονή του δέρματος που μπορεί να επιδεινώσει το μέλασμα.
Article by Chalarambidou Irini Dermatologist-Aphrodisiac http://e-derma.gr