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Foods that replace lifting

Foods that replace lifting

Skin care is simple and inexpensive and the secret to beautiful skin is a change in lifestyle.
Massage, adequate sleep and proper nutrition are the three keys to healthy skin.
What foods should we include in our diet to have beautiful skin?

Water is the main source of hydration for the body and especially for the skin. It helps eliminate toxins and makes the skin more elastic, thus preventing fine lines.

For good hydration of the body, and by extension the skin, 8-10 glasses of water a day are necessary, in combination with a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, due to their high water content.

Olive oil:

Rich source of vitamin E, but also of polyunsaturated fatty acids. With anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action, it is a food that protects the skin from aging.
Fatty fish:
Fish such as sardines, herring and salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect, making the skin smoother and tighter.

Nuts, mainly walnuts and almonds:

Rich in ω-3 fatty acids, protein and vitamin E, they smooth and moisturize the skin and remove free radicals. The result is a radiant and youthful skin.

Cottage cheese:

Particularly beneficial for the skin, due to an essential trace element it contains, selenium. Selenium is needed in our body in very small amounts and together with vitamin E it has an antioxidant effect. It also has an anti-cancer effect and reduces dandruff.


Rich in biotin and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It moisturizes the skin and makes it more "unbreakable". It also contains 27% of our daily needs of niacin, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and soothes the skin. It also reduces breakouts.

Wild cherry:

It is the food with the highest content of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant and protects the skin from the damage caused by free radicals.

Citrus fruits:

Rich source of vitamin C, which as a powerful antioxidant binds free radicals and helps to eliminate them from the body. The result is youthful skin with fewer wrinkles.


The number 1 antiaging food, because of the antioxidants and flavonoids it contains.

Yellow and orange fruits:

Their color indicates a high content of vitamin A, which has two main functions in the skin: cell renewal and protection against acne scars.

Green tea:

Its high content of polyphenols makes it antioxidant and anti-aging. It protects the skin from the damage caused by free radicals and makes it look young and radiant.


It has the highest content of lycopene, an antioxidant that helps prevent sunburn. Together with the carotenoids it contains, it slows down cell damage from free radicals.


It contains astaxanthin, a carotenoid that improves skin elasticity and therefore reduces fine lines and protects against stretch marks.

Lean meat and poultry:

They are the main source of protein for the body, without being loaded with 'bad' fats. Protein, as the body's main structural material, boosts collagen production, making the skin more elastic and helping to heal wounds.


Rich in vitamin A, which at the cellular level maintains good skin health

Soy products:

Newer research shows that soy is effective in tightening loose skin.

Coenzyme Q10:

It is found in trace amounts in fatty fish, nuts and meat. It has an anti-aging and suffocating effect.
Soma Therapy Spa

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