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Beach Exercise: How to Keep a Fit Body All Summer Long

Beach Exercise: How to Keep a Fit Body All Summer Long

The time to run to the beaches has arrived and the relative preparation of our bodies is almost complete. Certainly, exercise is not correct to be done as a preparation for the beach, but to be a systematic and essential act with physical and mental benefits. A great way to maintain the benefits of exercise during the summer and to feel the well-being and feeling of health it ensures us every day, is to continue it during our vacations. Don't be scared by the idea and in no case imagine that you have to spend your holidays in a gym.
Your stay at a beach can well be combined with some form of physical exercise, while offering you entertainment, fun and proper use of your free time. There are many types to choose from, so you are sure to find something that suits your preferences and capabilities. So there is no excuse for not being able to find something for you. It's all a matter of mood and determination.
We could distinguish the types of exercise we can do at the beach in two categories: those done in the water and those done on the sand/beach.

In the first category, the main reason is swimming. Whichever style you choose, swimming is one of the safest and easiest forms of exercise. You don't need any special equipment or knowledge, just your swimsuit and good company. If long distances tire you, you can choose interval training or swimming with flippers. To tempt you, we remind you that with one hour of swimming you can lose 300-500 calories!
Water polo is a very interesting water sport, as long as you have a ball and several teammates. Sports such as water skiing and wind surfing are very efficient and exercise the whole body, but they require special equipment, an organized beach and may cost you a little more.
If you are on an organized beach, you can rent a canoe and take long walks. One hour of rowing would help you burn up to 400 – 600 calories. Beware of the deep and bathers! Also, you could do exercises in the water for specific parts of your body. For example, trying to float without moving your arms or vice versa.
If you are not a water fanatic, you can do various activities on the beach. A very popular summer sport is rackets. Equipment is very cheap, you need good teammates, sunscreen and a hat. If the pace you play is continuous and moderate to fast, you can ensure a calorie loss of 200 – 300/hour.
An equally popular and beloved sport is beach volleyball. You need a net and a makeshift field, a ball and several teammates. But he will easily find a team for beach volleyball on our beaches. It's also a nice way to socialize and get a nice tan. However, be careful of the sun and burns.
However, if you don't have company and you like jogging, the edge where the wave breaks is a very good surface to run or take a brisk walk. Maybe on crowded beaches it is not possible, but choose times that are calmer, like early morning or late evening. After all, these are also the most suitable times to exercise so that the temperature is not high and the sun is not hot. In this way you train the whole body very effectively and you gain a calorie loss of 250 – 400/hour, depending on your pace.
Article by Vivi Kontaksi Graduate of Physical Education, MSc Pilates Trainer

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