Christos Megapanos MD, Plastic Surgeon, "Regen" Plastic Surgery & Regenerative Medicine Clinic, explains to Ygeiaonline.gr, how to make the dry skin of your face shine, after the summer holidays.
Hours under the hot sun may have been good for your mood, but I wish you could say the same for your skin.
When you come back from vacation you're likely to find that your skin is rough and dry. Here's what you can do to improve its texture and make your skin glow again.
The dermapen is an innovative microneedling technique. It is a device with multiple micro-needles, which, by scanning the surface of the skin, activates the skin's natural regeneration processes, thus reconstructing it as a whole.
This is a method made for the sensitive skin of the face, since the micro-nails are absolutely precise and controlled, leaving no room for error. In this way, all parts of the face can be treated, even the demanding and delicate area around the eyes.
With the speed at which the microneedles work, the skin is not injured while the production of both collagen and elastin is activated. The local injection of hyaluronic acid and other ingredients depending on the needs of the skin enhance the action of the dermapen. After the treatment the skin will look slightly irritated so the doctor will recommend you to use a special cream for 2-3 days as well as to avoid the sun and wear sunscreen with a high protection index.
The results will be visible from the first days as the mild irritation subsides. Then you will see your skin glowing like never before. Its texture will be smooth and smooth, while with the continued production of collagen by the body in the coming weeks, wrinkles and other signs of aging will gradually smooth out.
Christos Megapanos MD
Plastic Surgeons
Plastic Surgery Clinic &
of Regenerative Medicine "Regen"
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