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Parents: Minimum "quality time" with their children

Parents: Minimum "quality time"

Parents: Minimum "quality time" with their children

Research reveals that the quality time they have parents with their children he is minimal. Parents: Minimum "quality time"

Her intense rhythms everyday life they remove the parents from the children when everyone returns to their… base, i.e. home.

Parents: Minimum "quality time"

Recent research shows that children spend less time with their parents when the former return from school and their activities and the latter from work, and the worst thing is that this time is of less quality.

7 out of 10 children are not satisfied

When 2,000 children aged 6 to 17 were asked about the time they spend with their parents, 73% said they were dissatisfied with the need for more opportunities to connect with their family.

According to the same American survey, parents also had a similar opinion since 70% stated that he does not spend enough time with his children.

However, even this minimal time of developing family ties in everyday life does not seem to be of quality.

Another survey in Britain showed that British parents spend less than 30 minutes of "quality time" with their children every day.

Dads have it harder

In fact, fathers are the ones who have the most difficulty connecting with their children as only 50% thinks he spends enough time with his daughters.

Mothers, on the other hand, at a percentage of 55% consider that they "spend" enough quality time with their children.

The development of bonds in adolescence

The most difficult age for developing bonds is of course adolescence, since 37% parents admit that the most demanding ages are from 13 to 17 years old.

Of course, it is not only parents who are "swallowed" by the stress of everyday life and prefer to relax by watching TV rather than being in contact with their children.

Children close themselves off

And children, especially at the difficult age of adolescence, tend to "close" to themselves and/or prefer communication through technology.

The same survey concludes that 37% of parents find it difficult to "open" a conversation with their children as 1/3 of them prefer to spend more time alone in their room.

Children end up 42% watching TV, while 39% prefer video games to socializing with their parents.

Consequently, parents manage to spend just 30 minutes of quality time with their children every day, while they spend 75 minutes online with their friends.

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