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Pool game


Pool game

The invisible bottle

Take a clean 2L plastic bottle, remove the label and fill it with pool water. Try to find a bottle with a white cap or a cap the same color as the pool tiles.

Divide into two groups and make two lines in the water. Each team should be at a different end of the pool with their faces facing outwards. An adult or one of the players stands outside the pool and throws the bottle into the water. When the teams hear the splash they turn and try to find the bottle.

It may sound easy but it is a real challenge as the bottle falling into the pool becomes almost invisible. Have fun!


Atomic Whirlpool 

Have the swimmers line up at the end of the pool in a single line with very little space between them. Then have them walk for a few minutes, then run slowly for a few minutes, then run fast for a few more minutes. If done correctly it will be the water that carries them around the pool. At the end tell them to turn around and run in the opposite direction. It is almost impossible for them to be able to run against the current!


Basketball or Volleyball in the pool

Whether it's one-on-one or team play, both basketball and volleyball are never more fun than when played in the pool. There is special equipment that can be placed in your home pool, durable and well designed, and provide you with many hours of fun for a long time.


The octopus 

Choose someone to be the "mother". Then everyone stands in the center of the pool. Players form a line on one side of the pool and try to swim to the other side without being marked by the "mother". Players who are marked by the "mother" grab her hand for the next round and the other players try to get past them without getting trapped. The process repeats until there is only one untrapped player left. In the next round they choose a new "mother" and the game starts again.


Dolphins and sharks 

First gather in the center of the pool. Call half the players "dolphins" and the other half "sharks", leaving one player to play the role of captain. Determine which side of the pool will be the "home" of the sharks and which will be the "home" of the dolphins. When you are ready the leader calls either "dolphins" or "sharks". Whichever group is called must quickly swim home without being caught by their opponents. During the game you randomly call either one or the other team. Any player caught by the opposing team becomes a member of it. The game ends when all players become members of the same team.


The frozen T-shirt contest

Dip 2 t-shirts in water and freeze them for 2-3 days. During the event take the t-shirts out of the freezer and divide your friends into two groups. Each team will do their best to thaw out and wear the t-shirt. You can use anything in the yard to thaw it: the hose, the pool, pound it on the pavement, use your hands or your breath. Every 15'' the person trying to unfreeze the t-shirt changes. Have someone call a change every 15''. The first team to unfreeze it and have a member wear it wins.


Colliding balls 

Using a rope divide a small part of the pool. Put all players on this track, each holding a beach ball. You count to three and the players use their bumper balls to push each other over the rope, like they're colliding cars. Anyone touching the rope must leave the pool. You continue to play until only one player is left in the pool and thus wins the game.


Pool survivor

One of them all makes the "mother". He chooses to be either a dolphin, a frog, or an underwater. The dolphin must swim on top of the water. The frog should swim in the middle. The submarine must swim near the bottom of the pool. The "mother" must close her eyes and try to touch the other players. When a player manages to swim to the other end of the pool, we all shout “survivor”. Whoever is touched by the "mother" becomes "mother" in turn. The more players participate, the more fun the game becomes.


The wet t-shirt relay

The game starts like any other relay race. Two teams are formed and half of each team stand at opposite ends of the pool. What makes this relay race different? The wet t-shirt! To the first player of each team you give a found t-shirt. Players wear the t-shirts as normal, then jump into the pool, swim across it, get out, take off the t-shirt and give it to the next player on the team. The first team, all of whose players manage to cross the pool wearing the t-shirt, wins.


Duck Push

If you have a pool in your backyard and a large group, then throw some rubber duckies in it and you're ready to play. Here's how: put three or four players at one end of the pool and give each one a rubber duck. When you say "let's go", they have to use their nose to push the duckling to the other end of the pool. They can also blow the duckling forward, but they are not allowed to bite the duckling and carry it to the other end of the pool with their mouths. Of course they cannot touch the duckling with their hands or feet. In addition, players can distract their opponents by throwing water in their face or on their ducks, causing them to change direction. All they can't do is touch other players' ducks or the other players. The first one to successfully carry his duckling to the other end of the pool in the correct way is the winner.

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