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Why are swimmers the best kids?

Why are swimmers the best kids?

Swimming teaches our children so many things on a daily basis. They learn to manage their time properly, set goals and stick to them, be disciplined and constantly improve their character and skills. Through a tough program with high demands on good physical condition, children expand their potential and achievements.

One day, when they stop swimming, what will remain will be the wonderful memories of the good times, the jokes with the other athletes and the characteristics that the sport has given them and they will carry with them forever. .

So here's why swimmers are the best kids:

1. They are usually too tired to get into trouble. They prefer to stay at home and relax, rather than going out late at night.

2. They have an incredible appetite and would try anything new. In fact they would eat anything in front of them.

3. They are very clean. And how could it be otherwise after their long stay in chlorine water and the endless showers.

4. They are good students. They make sure everything is ready before the workouts, knowing that afterwards they will be too tired to do anything.

5. They are comfortable with adults. They know how to communicate with the coaches, the parents of their fellow athletes and the rest of the officials with ease.

6. They've experienced failure and know it's not the end of the world. They know that there will always be a next opportunity in which they will do better.

7. They are strong and in very good shape. They have fit bodies and are in better physical shape than many of their peers.

8. They are always there for their teammates and friends. If someone is upset or has a problem, they are willing to talk and help. They are the friends you can have fun with for hours and never get bored.

9. They are confident. They spend long hours and hard work to achieve their goal. They are constantly improving and this makes them have confidence in themselves.

10. Their parents know their fellow athletes and their families so there are rarely any problems when they want to go out. They can spend their free time hanging out with kids who have the same interests and commitments.

Saltamanikas Nikolas

TEFAA graduate

Specialty Swimming

Coach for many years in well-known Nautical Clubs in all swimming categories


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