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School of Alternative Therapies


School of Alternative Therapies Book online

    School of Alternative Therapies Book online

      School of Alternative Therapies

      The School of Alternative Therapies was created by Professionals for Professional Therapists and people who love Massage, Alternative Therapies and wish to practically see the benefits, the treatment, the Eu Zein materialized in their eyes. The aim of the courses is the immediate education at many levels of knowledge, power and experience in the modern world and their immediate application. We want to introduce people to Alternative Therapies, give an overview of the possibilities you have with the Quick Experiential Courses, build your experience with the academic seminars to produce competent young realistic healers who embrace practice and theory, tradition and science. With emotion, simplicity, with love for nature but also passion for modern life. That human is good. Upon completion of the Courses you will be able to work directly in therapeutic branches of modern alternative living.


      Lomi Lomi Massage
      Crystals in Action