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Plyometrica Book online

    Plyometrica Book online


      The PLIOMETRICA center is a model center for diagnosis and rehabilitation-recuperation day care.
      The physiognomy of the center is determined by the high quality of providing rehabilitation services to all the needs of the patient in order to achieve the greatest possible physical, psychological and cognitive improvement and for the patient to acquire the appropriate potential for his social and professional reintegration and the achievement of a quality of life.
      The many years of professional experience, the excellent scientific training, the continuous updating and monitoring of the new methods and techniques of osteopathy and physiotherapy, the knowledge of the needs but also the shortcomings led to the decision to create a modern center of Osteopathy and Physiotherapy.
      The basic idea concerns the creation of a multi-space, innovative for Greek data, with the aim of providing high-standard Osteopathy, Physiotherapy and Body Analysis services in a modern and fully equipped environment which, on the one hand, will provide all the services of osteopathy and physiotherapy, on the other hand, it will not innovates with the parallel operation in the same space of a fully equipped body analysis unit and reverse flow pool, services necessary for modern needs that no Osteopathy and Physiotherapy center in Greece has in total.
      The space has the appropriate means to facilitate the access of patients with mobility problems in accordance with EU specifications. (ramps, crane, changing rooms, showers). The interior space has been designed according to modern trends in architecture and decoration to offer a functional and friendly environment to its patients, also providing parking spaces.