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PhysioPolis Book online

    PhysioPolis Book online


      The Physiopolis center is a multi-purpose physical therapy rehabilitation and physical well-being center.
      At Physiopolis services are provided by highly trained staff.
      The idea behind PhysioPolis began many years ago, when Maria Saha, its inspiration and creator, recognized the need to create an integrated rehabilitation and wellness space.

      Through many years of experience and deep knowledge of the field, the first foundations of the idea were laid and now we are able to present our vision to you.
      The physical therapy approach that suits us reaches the holistic standard and for this reason we have framed many basic pillars around us. The therapeutic pool available at our place is able, under our guidance, to approach many of the existing musculoskeletal and neurological problems.
      The staff of our center will distinguish the special characteristics of each condition, in order to approach it in the most efficient way. The treatment is covered, both by the modern therapeutic means we have, as well as by the supporting technology.
      But physical therapy doesn't end here...
      Our main aim is to change the consciousness of the sufferer, so that he does not continue to suffer from the same symptoms. For this reason, there are many group programs that will maintain a good state of health and in the long run reduce pain symptoms and reduced functionality.

      Physical therapy
      Home remedies
      Prenatal yoga
      Baby swimming