Solid State – Alex | Soprano ice
Lasers in medicine are increasingly used in medical and cosmetic applications. Their use by qualified medical personnel is extremely effective and completely safe.
Soprano ice is currently the fastest hair removal laser. In particular, in large areas of the body (legs, back), where other lasers require at least two hours per session, the treatment with this particular laser takes less than one hour. The results of SOPRANO ICE are clinically proven and have been approved by America's largest Food and Drug Administration.
Soprano Ice treatment is:
Really painless without painkillers or other preparations
Fast – Treatment for most patients takes less than an hour
No recovery time, so you can get back to your daily activities right away
Effective on all skin types including sun tanned skin as well as different hair types
Fuller in terms of treatment coverage
Absolutely suitable for any area of the body – including sensitive areas such as the face, neck and bikini area
Anti-aging | Free radicals are formed as an integral part of life whenever we oxidize food to produce energy. During this process free radicals are formed, which are highly charged oxygen molecules harmful to the skin. These free radicals are toxic and can cause premature aging. They are usually neutralized by vitamins C, E. with Mesotherapy, Fractional, Dermafrac techniques or techniques that inactivate the muscles or that "fill" the wrinkles from the inside. State-of-the-art systems achieve the best result.
Bleaching – Bleaching – Discolouration | We are talking about benign skin lesions due to a disturbance in the metabolism of melanocytes. The main cause is exposure to the sun, but heredity, gender, skin color, pregnancy, etc. also play an important role.
At the certified Healthy Derma Clinics centers, the specialized dermatologists, after examining you for unwanted discolorations on your skin, there are many methods of treatment and treatment, always depending on the extent and depth of the damage. Treatment is done with the new DERMAPEEL solidified micro-crystal technology.
Accent elite
Blast cells
Raylife Radio Frequencies
Growth factors
On line face Diagnosis
In the field of Body Liposculpture, the certified Healthy Derma Clinics centers apply a combination of High Effectiveness Services based on cutting-edge technology and have the ability to offer us the aesthetic result we ask for in a short period of time in just a few sessions.
Body liposculpture treatments treat localized fat, cellulite and sagging, reshaping the body's shape with Mesotherapy methods and state-of-the-art systems that achieve the best result.
Accent elite
Body Mesotherapy
Endermologie LPG
Laser lipolysis
Bloodless Liposuction