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Glyfada Salt Cave


Glyfada Salt Cave Book online

    Glyfada Salt Cave Book online

      Glyfada Salt Cave

      The Glyfada Salt Cave is a modern salt cave that offers our body the healing & beneficial properties of  Salt therapy!

      Salt therapy has been known since ancient times as a rejuvenating experience for the body and spirit and is used for therapeutic purposes in its natural form without requiring any additional processing. Salt contains 84 elements, while its high crystalline structure allows the cellular absorption of its nutrients and the restoration of the body's alkali and electrolyte balance. 

      Why should I do Salt Therapy?

      According to many researches and studies, the microclimate of salt caves has beneficial properties in a number of diseases such as:

      • Respiratory infections: asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, obstructive pulmonary disease, etc.

      • Cardiovascular diseases: hypotension, circulatory failure, with myocardial infarction

      • Autoimmune diseases: Hypothyroidism etc.

      • Gastrointestinal system diseases: inflammation of the large intestine, Chron's disease, spastic & spiral colitis, constipation, stomach & duodenal ulcer, etc.

      • Skin diseases - Anti-aging: acne, dermatitis, allergies, psoriasis, wrinkle removal.

      • Nervous system disorders: chronic fatigue, panic attacks, migraines, improved concentration.

      • Metabolic disorders: treatment of obesity

      • Skeletal system disorders: osteoporosis, disc disease, lower back pain, combating pain from rheumatism & osteoarthritis.

      • Stress

      • Depression

      • Stop smoking

      • Detoxification

      • Protection of the body against viruses,

      • Balancing the Immune System

      • Pregnancy

      Salt is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties as it reduces the production of mucus and phlegm.

      Salt Cave Therapy-Rejuvenation Cycle
      Salt Cave Massage - Full Body
      Salt Cave Reflexology - Form of therapeutic foot massage
      Salt Cave Rejuvance-Facial massage-Natural lifting
      Salt Cave Yoga (Vinyasa)-for adults, children, pregnant women
      Salt Cave Reiki