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What should those with acne pay attention to in the summer?

What should those with acne pay attention to in the summer?

Acne is a chronic problem that is not typical of adolescence, as many believe. It is more common in teenagers, but it concerns all ages, because it can appear for the first time even up to 40 or continue even after this age. It causes a strong psychological burden and has a tendency to recur, which is why special care is required throughout the year.
According to Mr. Kouskoukis, especially during the summer season, those suffering from acne should keep the following in mind:

  • Acne improves due to the good mood and lack of stress during the holidays.
  • The sun and seawater most often help acne, but sun exposure should be done in moderation, as too much exposure can make it worse.
  • The use of sunscreen is essential, especially in those who have recently completed retinoid treatment, but also in those who use a topical treatment that can make the skin photosensitive.
  • Women also using contraceptives to treat acne should also regularly use sunscreen on the face to avoid the risk of melasma (skin discoloration).
  • Η επιλογή του αντιηλιακού είναι σημαντική, διότι πολλά αντιηλιακά που δεν είναι σχεδιασμένα για το ακνεϊκό ή oily skin μπορεί να επιδεινώσουν ή και να προκαλέσουν ακμή. Το ίδιο ισχύει και για τα αντιηλιακά σώματος, καθώς όσοι έχουν λιπαρό δέρμα καλό θα ήταν να αποφεύγουν τα αντιηλιακά με τη μορφή λαδιού για το σώμα.
  • Especially women with increased sweating should choose non-greasy forms of make-up in the summer months in order not to additionally block the sebaceous glands.
  • Many of the topical or systemic antibiotic treatments followed during the summer months must be replaced with other non-photosensitizing products, so a pre-holiday visit to the dermatologist is imperative.
  • Invasive treatments for acne, as well as acne scars, are prohibited during periods of intense sunlight.
  • Finally, with sunshine, the risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is greater, so it is strictly forbidden for patients to "tease" pimples and be exposed to the sun.

Konstantinos Kouskoukis
Professor of Dermatology, former Vice-Chancellor of the Democritus University, President of the Medicinal Sources Committee)
Article https://www.eumedline.eu