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More femininity with lip augmentation

More femininity with lip augmentation

In recent years more and more women are asking for fuller and rounder lips... The plastic surgeon, Giorgos Andreanidis reports that with the revolutionary PERMALIP technique we can have fleshy lips lips without swelling.

"The lip augmentation performed on the upper lip should not exceed the size of the lower lip. In addition to injectable materials and autologous fat injection – that is, the use of your own fat, another technique that is permanent and distinguished for its targeted results is the PERMALIP technique. In this method, a silicone elastomer material is used in the shape of the lip, with a very soft and smooth surface, for a perfect, natural and permanent result. The material is not injectable as injectable silicone has been banned. This specific lip augmentation technique is simple, it is done in the doctor's office and it only takes a few minutes for the interested party to obtain the size of the lips she desires. It is worth noting that this material has nothing to do with liquid silicone, which has been abolished."

But what should perfect lips look like?
The ratio from the upper point of the upper lip to the lower point of the lower lip should be 1/2. In young symmetrical lips the bow of Eros, as it is called, the upper contour of the upper lip is well-formed, intense and distinct. The furrow (the filter with the two columns on the left and right), which starts from the base of the nose and ends at the bow of the cupola, is also pronounced, giving volume to the upper lip, which is lost over time.
Also, the upper lip should protrude 1 to 2 mm from the lower lip.
Medical Beauty Athens

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